HACKAMORE REINSMAN is a valuable reference manual for the professional horse trainer as well as the amateur. Complete coverage of handling the reins ... both snaffle bit and hackamore methods; the turn on the hind feet; the set and turn; the sliding stop; starting the colt on cattle; the spin; foot position; riding a balance; correcting bad habits; keeping the horse light; and every other phase of making the finished, flashy-reined cow horse. Profusely illustrated with more than fifty accurate line drawings by Randy Steffen. This is a book no horseman can afford to be without!
The following ad, written in 1952 by Randy Steffen, is as true today as it was then:
For the first time, the secrets of the California hackamore men are made public! FOR THE FIRST TIME the knowledge of this almost vanished art is made available to EVERY horseman! Heretofore jealously guarded as a trade secret of a handful of skilled descendants of the old California vaqueros. Ed Connell, author of HACKAMORE REINSMAN, and one of the most skilled of hackamore experts, hands the horse world its rarest gift in history. THIS IS THE FIRST TIME the complete hackamore training method has been set down in writing. A momentous PUBLICATION! These books can also be purchased at most saddle and tack shops, or purchased directly online from MARTIN BLACK.
REINSMAN OF THE WEST — BRIDLES & BITS, the second half of the training process, covers: About Bits, Fundamental Principle of the Bit, Summary of Bridling, Purpose of the Double Rein, The Importance of a Good Start and Finish, Worn Bits, Santa Barbara Spade Bit, Half Breed, Chileno, Grazer, Snaffle Bits, Training Marks of Distinction, Carrying the Bit, Start of Using the Double Rein, High Nosed Horse, Misuse of the Romal, Straight Up in the Bridle, Knowledge and Know-How, Horse Sense, and much more.
Written in 1965 by the late Jack Carroll of Carroll Saddle Co.:
Ed Connell's latest book gives the Why and the How of making a spade bit horse out of the hackamore horse, using the methods of the old California Vaqueros. This book takes the mystery out of the spade bit and shows, among other things, that the spade in the hands of a man trained to use it is easier on a horse than even the common grazer or snaffle bits. This book tells how to choose the right bit and how to use the bit to get the most out of a horse. The use of other bits is covered as well. These books can also be purchased at most saddle and tack shops, or purchased directly online from MARTIN BLACK. |
This new book by ED CONNELL contains historical and factual information and is a COMPANION book to HACKAMORE REINSMAN and REINSMAN OF THE WEST - BRIDLES & BITS. It consists of articles dating from the 1950's through the 1970's including personal letters on specific training problems. The articles provide more clarification and explain in greater depth Connell's first two books, HACKAMORE REINSMAN and REINSMAN OF THE WEST.
Articles included are: Explaining Reining, The A-Fork Saddle, Swinging in the Rein, Starting Horses - Vaquero Style, Cowboy Talk, Ground-Pulling with the Hackamore, Teaching the Stop & Turn, and many more.
This book is an 8.5" X 11", 144 pages, including photos and illustrations.
These books can also be purchased at most saddle and tack shops, or purchased directly online from MARTIN BLACK. |